We Can All Prevent Suicide
The mission of the West Orange Suicide Advocacy Coalition (WOSAC) is to gather and streamline public education, supportive services, training, and intervention resources related to suicides in the Township of West Orange.

Suicide Affects The Whole Family.
As shared by Tammy Williams, Founder of WOSAC
My 18 year old sister committed suicide as a Freshman at UNC-Charlotte in 1995.
She was an outgoing , smart, energetic and loving young lady. She was Miss Carver High School, co-captain of the Varsity Cheerleading squad, Senior class Secretary, member of the Spanish Club, member of the Youth and Young adult choir and usher board member at our home church. She was outgoing, smart, energetic, and a loving human being.
The world was hers to conquer. In a moment of tremendous despair around the same week that my Mother had died five years prior, she took her life.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages (Centers for Disease Control, 2019).
Every day, approximately 123 Americans die by suicide (Centers for Disease Control, 2019).
There is one death by suicide in the US every 12 minutes (Centers for Disease Control, 2019).
Depression affects 20-25% of Americans ages 18+ in a given year (Centers for Disease Control, 2019).

WHO you are what makes you speocial. Do not change for anyone.
WHAT lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid.
WHEN life pushes you over, You push back harder.
WHERE there are choices to make, make choices you won’t regret.
WHY things happen will never be certain. Accept what you can not understand and move forward.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8522
In taking a public health approach, we recognize that various structures as well as a lack of access to these structures, influence our health and well-being including:
Schools and employment
Interpersonal relationships
How the three branches of government, legislative (laws), executive (police and corrections) and judicial (court imposed sanctions) impact each of us differently
Spirituality and faith based institutions
Recreational opportunities
Internal conflicts between township cultures, race, ethnic and religious cultures
Additionally, research evidence finds that several bio-social health factors may also increase risk of self-inflicted harm and early life termination:
Physical health
Low serotonin
Mental health
Depression elevates suicide risk, but researchers argue that it is not the cause
Self-efficacy- control over one’s life
Self-esteem- perception of one’s self

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